Wednesday, March 2, 2016

ob Description :-

1. Install and configure Client PCs to perform Operating system image

2. Corporate tools and business application testing on Intel hardware

3. Evaluate packaging, distribution, installation, integration, and compliance with standards to ensure interoperability with infrastructure components.

4. Ensure that products submitted for testing: adhere to applicable standards and policy.

5. Experience in staging and administering windows 10 client operating systems.

6. Knowledge of software distribution methods (eg: SCCM) 

7. Experience in application package testing through any deployment software tool

Note: - Looking for Candidates who can join in 15 days & Immediate Joiners Required. 

If you're suitable for above requirement. Please forward your updated CV to    along with your scan copy of ID Proof 

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Reason for Change: 
Ready to Relocate:

Thanks and Regards, 
Vikash Ranjan


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My self NARESH DHUVURU . I'm from Thirupathi. i'm having 4+ years of experience on Application Packaging . . . I HOPE MY BLOG WILL HELP YOU TO SWITCH .........

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